Bequest Giving – Plan Your Legacy
Help Me Help You to plan a legacy to provide solutions that can end community poverty by supplying food to the hungry, transitioning the homeless and unemployed from dependence to independence and enriching the lives of the those in need through life changing financial benefits and services.
Your Bequest – Your Legacy.
A bequest or legacy gift allows you to participate in solving our communities' most pressing emerging issues to make a lasting
positive difference. With thoughtful planning, you have the power to leave a legacy through your estate, and become an
integral part of our future by including a charitable gift in your overall estate or financial plans. A donor may retain assets during life and
then leave a bequest to Help Me Help You. With a little planning, you can make a life changing difference to the poor and
Help Me Help You eternally appreciates the generosity our Bequest Partners. We welcome you to become part of the
Help Me Help You family. We also respect that some of our Bequest Partners prefer anonymity.
Some of our Bequest Partner Benefits include:
Wall of Fame Recognition (Name on Wall of Fame plaque honoring Requestors)
Complementary invitation to Help Me Help You events
Help Me Help You Bequest Partner Gratitude Gift
Official Bequest Partner Honorary Certificate
Acknowledgement on Help Me Help You website
Acknowledgement in Help Me Help You newsletter
There are a variety of options to make a bequest.
Stocks and Bonds
An easy way to make a gift is with your stocks or bonds. By making a gift of your appreciated securities,
you will avoid paying capital gains tax on these assets that would otherwise be due if you sold.
Retirement Assets
A gift of your retirement assets, such as a gift from your IRA, 401k, 403b, pension or other tax deferred plan, is an
excellent way to make a bequest. By making a gift of your retirement assets, you will help further our work for years
to come. To name Help Me Help You as a beneficiary of your 401(k), 403(b), IRA or other retirement plan,
please advise your plan administrator to designate your gift to:
Help Me Help You
PO Box 32861
Long Beach, CA 90832
Charity ID# 71-0898124
Gifts of Cash
A gift of cash is a simple and easy way for you to make a gift. You will receive a charitable tax deduction that
will provide you with savings on this year's tax return.
How to Give:
A bequest to Help Me Help You should include our full legal name, city and state.
As a donor, you may choose to leave a specific item or amount to a Help Me Help You. For example, you may bequest land or
property use of Help Me Help You to make future additions or expansions.
If you own art or a specific item that may be used by Help Me Help You for its exempt purpose, that asset may be a
good choice for a specific bequest.
Another option is a specific bequest of an amount of cash or you may wish to leave a percentage of the estate.
Simply designate Help Me Help You as the beneficiary of your asset by will, trust or other instrument.
Memorial Giving
Memorial Giving allows you to tribute your gift in the name of loved one to honor them with a lasting impact.
Your Will
The easiest and most common way for most people to make a lasting impact, is by including Help Me Help You in your will.
By having your attorney revise your will or add a simple amendment, you can make a charitable bequest of a dollar amount,
specific property, a percentage of your estate, or what remains after providing for other heirs. For example:
"I give (dollar amount or percentage of estate) to Help Me Help You [Tax ID #71-0898124], a California non-profit
corporation, to be used for its exempt purposes."

Before naming Help Me Help You as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, making a bequest or modifying your will, please
consult your tax advisor, financial advisor or Attorney.
Informing us of your Bequest intentions to Help Me Help You will allow us to plan for the future.
For more information or to notify us of your Bequest intentions please contact the Executive Director at (562) 612-5001
or email info@helpmehelpu.org
We maintain a high level of confidentiality and discretion, and we will not initiate unwanted phone calls, emails or visits.